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No. 1(1) (2011): Demons in the Social Sciences

Sin and Punishment of Demons with regard to their immaterial nature. Approach of St Thomas Aquinas

  • Tomasz Stępień
1. 11. 2011


Punishment of the demons was always a problem of great interest among theologians, but they did not always agree about a nature of the punishment. One of the most important authors who wrote about the subject was St Thomas Aquinas. Because of his extensive analysis of the spiritual beings he was called Doctor Angelicus. In Aquinas’ texts we can clearly see that speculations on the punishment of demons strictly depend on understanding of their nature. St Thomas Aquinas underlines that the nature of angels is entirely immaterial. They do not have bodies and we even cannot claim that there is matter in their nature. Immateriality of angels causes in a great power over physical reality, but this does not mean that they exist totally independent of place. Mater does not constrain them, but they must exist in a certain place. According to those opinions sin of angels is considered as having immaterial nature and therefore identified as pride and envy. Considering the effects of sin of angels Aquinas claims that, regarding their immateriality, sin could destroy their nature only in certain aspect. Although punishment of demons is a limitation of their free will which is no match for a will of God. Firstly it is limited in achieving Supreme Good and happiness which causes a kind of spiritual pain. Secondly will of demons is restricted because God limits their free movement.


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