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No. 1(4) (2013): The State of Art

To Invest and to Form: Artistic Tools in a Sociological Research

  • Waldemar Rapior
1. 04. 2013


Where to search for an agreement? Does the common ground for meeting of art and science exist? My answer is: yes. The common sense is this shared ground. I will present that by looking through the prism of a common sense at art and science, it is possible to recognize scientist’s actions identical to artist’s actions. They both must invest in art or science; they both form a material: an artist in an artistic way, a researcher in a scientific one. However, it is important that the fact of forming the material, even in a different way, is the activity that brings closer the artist and the researcher. I will show by giving examples of the research I conducted that the researcher’s investment in artistic tools allows him/her to deal with different, both theoretical and practical problems. I will finish by emphasizing that a sociologist and a writer are the professions that might learn a lot from each other.


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