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Book Reviews

No. 1(4) (2013): The State of Art

The Many Faces of Secularism: Craig Calhoun, Mark Juergensmeyer, Jonathan Van Antwerpen (ed.). “Rethinking Secularism”

  • Marta Kołodziejska
1. 04. 2013


  1. Bellah R., Joas H., red. 2012. The Axial Age and its Consequences, Harvard University Press, Cambridge.
  2. Bunt G.R. 2009. Muslims. Rewiring the House of Islam, The University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill.
  3. Calhoun C., Juergensmeyer M., Van Antwerpen J., red. 2011. Rethinking secularism Oxford University Press, Oxford–New York.
  4. Campbell H. 2006. Exploring religious community online. We are one in the network, Peter Lang–New York–Washington–Baltimore:.
  5. Turner B.S. 2011. Religion and Modern Society, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  6. Wuthnow R. 1995. Christianity in the Twenty-first Century: Reflections on the Challenges Ahead, Oxford University Press, Oxford–New York.


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