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No. 2(5) (2013): Post-Secularisms

Rationalism Postponed: American Postsecular Anticipations in the Thought of George Santayana

  • Katarzyna Kremplewska
1. 11. 2013


George Santayana – a philosopher, a critic of culture and an atheist deeply concerned with the issue of religion and secularization was an advocate of the idea of naturally founded human spirituality. Hence his critique of some modern forms of life which in his view were guilty of spiritual ignorance and the flattening of language. This essay, by juxtaposing Santayana’s ideas with those of William James, Peter Berger and Charles Taylor, aims at revealing some postsecular aspects of his thinking about religion and the unity they introduce into the large body of his eclectic writing. Santayana’s understanding of post-rationality commences in the idea that thinking rooted in a certain tradition and operating with certain terms allows for maintain a living mental structure which provides a favorable ground for spiritual growth and existential meaningfulness even after conventional forms of religiosity have faded


  1. Berger P.L. 1969. The sacred canopy. Elements of social theory of religion, Anchor Books, New York.
  2. Bielik-Robson A. 2000. Inna nowoczesność. Pytanie o współczesną formułę duchowości, Universitas, Kraków.
  3. Buczyńska-Garewicz H. 2010. Człowiek wobec losu, Universitas, Kraków.
  4. Heidegger M. 2011. Bycie i czas, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN,Warszawa.
  5. James W. 2004. The varieties of religious experience, Simon & Shuster, New York.
  6. Kołakowski L. 1972. Obecność mitu, Prószyński i S-ka, Warszawa.
  7. Lachs J. 1988. George Santayana, Twayne Publishers, Boston.
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  10. Santayana G. 1936a. Interpretations of Poetry and Religion, [w:] The Works of George Santayana, t. II, Triton edition, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, s. 3–201.
  11. Santayana G. 1936b. The Ultimate Religion, [w:] Obiter Scripta, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, s. 280–297.
  12. Santayana G. 1942. Realms of Being, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York.
  13. Santayana G. 1954. The Life of Reason, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York.
  14. Santayana G. 1967. William James, [w:] Character and opinion in the United States, The Norton Library, New York, s. 64–96.
  15. Santayana G. 1968. The German Mind: a Philosophical Diagnosis, Apollo Editions, New York.
  16. Santayana G. 1998. The Genteel Tradition. Nine Essays by George Santayana, red. D.L. Wilson, University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln.
  17. Simmel G. 1923. Goethe, Klinkhardt & Biermann, Lipsk.
  18. Stone J.A. 2008. Religious Naturalism Today: The Rebirth of a Forgotten Alternative, State University of New York Press, New York.
  19. Taylor C. 1989. The Sources of the Self: The Making of Modern Identity, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  20. Taylor C. 2002. Oblicza religii dzisiaj, tłum. A. Lipszyc, Znak, Kraków.
  21. Taylor C. 2003. Varieties of Religion Today: William James Revisited, Harvard University Press, Harvard.


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