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No. 2(5) (2013): Post-Secularisms

Woman and Body. Theosociological Perspective

  • Aneta Gawkowska
1. 11. 2013


The sociotheological perspective of the article presents some reasons for the modern exclusion of the problems of femininity and corporeality from the center of theoretical concerns as well as their depreciation in social practice. The author reflects on the realist philosophical perspective present in the theology of the body and in the new feminism which hold radically opposed to modernity vision of the good, freedom, social relations, and the human nature. She tries to show the attractiveness for modern social sciences of coming back to the questions and inspirations present in theology. The excluded or ignored in modernity motives linked to the body and womanhood (which is evidenced by theories of Ockham, Descartes, Bacon, or Kant) are coming back now in many forms. The little known form presented by the new feminism seems to be most interesting due to its radical shift from the typical modern approach to the questions of receptivity, freedom, and the good.


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