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No. 2(5) (2013): Post-Secularisms

Reflexive Orthodoxy. The Problem of Postsecularism in the Light of Social Systems Theory

  • Krzysztof C. Matuszek
1. 11. 2013


Does religious orthodoxy and reflexivity exclude each other? In this article I discuss the question of a postsecular reflexivity of belief. The key issue in this context appears to be the functioning of belief as a symbolically generalized communication medium. With respect to this I consider some theoretical problems and dilemmas of religiosity: orthodoxy vs. heterodoxy, coherent personal identity vs. complementary social role. The article starts with a definition of postsecularism, based on the reflections of Habermas, Berger and Casanova, as a change in social consciousness consisting in a conversion of attitudes towards religion from naïve to reflexive. Then I present main arguments of the secularization theory on the grounds of Luhmann’s social systems theory, distinguishing two interconnected levels: functional differentiation of modern society and individualism. Finally I make some remarks on Luhmann’s attitude towards religion.


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