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No. 1(6) (2014): The Politics of Truth

The Boring Truth and the Achievements of Systems Research

  • Jan Winczorek
1. 04. 2014


he paper begins by critically assessing J. Mackiewicz’s popular statement that „only the truth is interesting”, treating it as a reflection of one of the many approaches to the problem of involvement of social processes in cognition and detachment of knowledge. Next it uses conceptual tools of Niklas Luhmann’s systems theory to analyse the positions on this issue, held in sociology. In the concluding part it argues that one condition of maintaining its identity as a science by sociology is to make it successful in producing a deflationary, not inflationary conception of knowledge and building a sufficiently complex theory. This in turn allows to conclude that the truth is rather boring and the social role of sociology is to indicate which knowledge about society is certain knowledge, and which is not.


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