From the standpoint of the history of the West, the countercultural hippie movement can be treated as another manifestation of a certain recurring cultural tendency in which the wish to break free from possessions is reborn, as well as questioning the values of high consumerism society and a return to the ideal of simple life. The article aims at the analysis of the contemporary phenomenon called minimalism, which in many points refers to countercultural postulates despite not being a simple continuation of the hippie contestation. This phenomenon can be most adequately referred to as „lifestyle” and is mostly associated with the blogosphere. The most popular minimalists are: Leo Babauta, Joshua Becker, Joshua Fields Millburn, and Ryan Nicodemus. Although minimalism is perceived mainly as a lifestyle in which people tend to free from the excess of things, in this article it will be treated as a form of anti-consumerist spirituality whose sources should be traced back in the western (taking place mostly in the US) fascination with Buddhism Zen. What will be also attempted in this study is showing the existence of structural similarities between minimalism and Buddhism Zen.