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No. 1(8) (2015): Symbols

The Religious Symbol in Unorthodox Usage. An Essay on the Cultural Role of Profanation

  • Małgorzata Jankowska
1. 04. 2015


The aim of the paper is to analyze transformations of the religious symbol. Various unorthodox uses of the symbol may be found in modern apocrypha. The texts utilize some biblical figures and motifs, which can be regareded as a profanity. Although their contents are often contradictory to the biblical canon, the traditional myth as it is presented in them paradoxically remains in the centre of the semiosphere. An analysis of this kind of transformations of the religious symbol enables us to see the role it plays in the processes of cultural autocommunication. Those unorthodox uses connect the traditional with the modern and allow dynamically changing culture „to remember” its own roots. The fact that culture is able to communicate with itself is a basic condition of its cohesive identity. The religious symbol is the oldest and most permanent medium of cultural memory and its transformations (profane or not) enhance the memory. As used in a new context, symbol does not lose its previous meanings but gains new ones instead. In the process its semantic wealth becomes apparent. The changes and reinterpretations of the symbol prevent the ossification of culture.  


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