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No. 2(9) (2015): Civil Courage

Of (Im)Possible Nonconformism in Total Institution. From Concentration Camp Experience to Sociological Theory (and Fro)

  • Piotr Filipkowski
1. 11. 2015


My central question is one of human subjectivity in extreme conditions – conditions of imprisonment in concentration camps. I understand this subjectivity in an existential way – as an individual’s ability to resist, even to the smallest degree , the pressure of a total camp institution. Also the ability to critically (self)reflect during the act of testifying to one’s own camp experience. I am searching for answers in two places. Firstly, analyzing selected pieces of oral autobiographical narratives of Mauthausen survivors. Secondly, reviewing several of the most important theoretical and sociological interpretations of camp reality. Connecting the two are examples of literary works that offered eloquent representations of camp experiences and shaped our imaginations of it. Such confrontation helps me recognize a common ethical basis for various, seemingly very distant expressions of camp experience. That ethical basis, I conclude, is the search (even if hopeless) for subjective human resistance and disagreement.


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