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Book Reviews

No. 2(15) (2018): “The Polish Peasant” from the Perspective of a Century

Religious Authority for a New, Mediatised World: Marta Kołodziejska, “Online Catholic Communities: Community, Authority, and Religious Individualisation”

1. 11. 2018


  1. Campbell H. 2012. “Understanding the Relationship between Religion Online and Offline in a Networked Society,” Journal of the American Academy of Religion, vol. 80(1), pp. 64–93.
  2. Kołodziejska M. 2018. Online Catholic Communities: Community, Authority, and Religious Individualisation, Routledge.
  3. Kołodziejska M., Neumaier A. 2016. “Between Individualisation and Tradition: Transforming Religious Authority on German and Polish Christian Online Discussion Forums,” Religion, vol. 47(2), pp. 228–255.


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