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No. 1(18) (2020): Heresy

In the Land of Ulro: The Religious Vision of the Cosmos and the Human Being versus the Scientific Image of the World

1. 04. 2020


This article discusses the influence of popularised findings of the natural sciences on Western images of the cosmos and the human being, which before the modern scientific revolution were shaped mostly by the Christian religion. The author first analyses the notion of a “scientific worldview” in Czesław Miłosz’s The Land of Ulro, which describes a common way of perceiving reality that is based on a profound trust in the explanatory capacity of science and is linked to the Weberian notion of the “disenchantment of the world.” The author then presents a historical outline of the growing distance between the vision of reality shaped by Christian religion and the truths of the modern natural sciences; he describes the most fundamental changes in the vision of the cosmos caused by this separation. Finally, he discusses the influence of these changes on the human being’s image of himself, referring, inter alia, to the work of Samuel Beckett and William Blake.


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