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Book Reviews

No. 2(23) (2022): Culture of Design

On the Different Criteria of Global and Local Success for Scholars in Peripheral Social Sciences: A Response to Reviews of My Book “The Polish Elite and Language Sciences: A Perspective of Global Historical Sociology”

10. 10. 2023


  1. Gomez C.J., Herman A.C., Parigi P. 2022. “Leading Countries in Global Science Increasingly Receive More Citations than Other Countries Doing Similar Research,” Nature Human Behaviour, vol. 6, pp. 919–929.
  2. Knoblauch H. 2022. “The Re(con)figuration of Knowledge: Tomasz Zarycki, The Polish Elite and Language Sciences: A Perspective of Global Historical Sociology,” Stan Rzeczy, vol. 2(23), pp. 343–348,
  3. Kolasa-Nowak A. 2022. “Polish Social Sciences in Global Academia: A Commentary on The Polish Elite and Language Sciences: A Perspective of Global Historical Sociology by Tomasz Zarycki,” Stan Rzeczy, vol. 2(23), pp. 357–361,
  4. Nowicka-Franczak M. 2022. “Languages of the Peripheries: A Commentary on Tomasz Zarycki’s The Polish Elite and Language Sciences: A Perspective of Global Historical Sociology,” Stan Rzeczy, vol. 2(23), pp. 349–355,
  5. Turkowski A., Zarycki T. 2023. “From Wallerstein to Rothschild: The Sudden Disappearance of the Polish School of Dependency Theory after 1989 as a Manifestation of Deeper Transformations in the Global Field of Social Science,” Journal of World-Systems Research, vol. 29(1), pp. 149–173.
  6. Warczok T., Zarycki T. 2018. “Polish Political Sciences in a Global Context,” [in:] Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics, ed. W.R. Thompson, Oxford University Press,
  7. Zarycki T. 2020. “Crises of the Communist and Neoliberal Orders 30 Years Later: A Structural Comparison between 1975 and 2019 Poland,” Social Science Information, vol. 59, pp. 484–504,


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