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No. 1(14) (2018): The Future in the Social Sciences

Images of the Future

  • Ilja Naumenko
1. 04. 2018


In traditional cultures, dreams and visions are often considered as prophecies. From the position of psychoanalysis such a view, can even be defended, as dreams and visions present wishes that demand realization and can influence the future. Today’s communication is largely based on a visual message. This state is described by postmodern concept of culture, according to which the image replaced reality – the “map” becomes the “territory”. For this reason, the study of visual culture can be practiced as an analysis of the collective visions, looking for manifestations of unconscious wishes and the first signs of emerging cultural processes. Fashion, design and architecture shape the picture of everyday life – they define the new and desirable images and views, providing rich material for such analysis. In times of political utopia deficits, aesthetic utopias can shape the collective identities and aspirations.


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