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dr Jakub Bazyli Motrenko

Editor-in-Chief |

Faculty of Sociology, University of Warsaw                                  

Philosopher, sociologist, assistant professor at the Institute of Sociology of the University of Warsaw. He is the author of a doctoral thesis entitled The Anti-Positivist Turning Point in Polish Sociology, which received a Prime Minister’s award. His interests lie at the meeting point of philosophy, the sociology of science, and the history of sociology. He recently published the chapter “Discovering Solidarity: Research on Solidarity as a Case of a That-What Discovery” (Springer 2019).


dr Karolina J. Dudek

Deputy Editor-in-Chief |

Kozminski University

Karolina J. Dudek defended her doctorate at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences. She is a graduate of the Warsaw School of Economics and the University of Warsaw. At the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology in the years 2013–2015 she conducted a project entitled “Creating Office Space: Narratives, Images, Notions,” which was financed by the National Science Centre. She also participated in research projects in the Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology at the University of Warsaw, the Institute of Sociology at the University of Warsaw, and Kozminski University. She is the author of Koniec ery calvadosu. Design i praca w późnej nowoczesności (2019) and Sieci wiedzy (2018), and co-author of the book Pustynia kulturalna? (2018). She co-edited the books Nowe kłopoty z kulturą (2016) and Oddolne tworzenie kultury. Perspektywa antropologiczna (2015). For several years she has been associated with the office real estate industry. She uses an interdisciplinary approach to support the processes of planning, designing, and organizing company workspaces. She is also an assistant professor at Kozminski University and chairman of the Polish Institute of the Work Environment.


dr hab. Marta Bucholc

Faculty of Sociology, University of Warsaw  | Käte Hamburger Kolleg “Recht als Kultur”, Bonn

Marta Bucholc works at the Faculty of Sociology of the University of Warsaw. Between 2015 and 2020 she was a professor of sociology at the Käte Hamburger Center for Advanced Study “Law as Culture” of the University of Bonn. She studied sociology, philosophy, and law at the University of Warsaw, obtaining a doctorate in sociology in 2006 and a habilitation degree in 2014. Her research interests include the history of social theory, historical sociology, the sociology of law, and sociological theory. She has translated several books into Polish, including The Sociological Imagination by Charles Wright Mills, Purity and Danger by Mary Douglas and Le Temps de Tribus by Michel Maffesoli. She also edited the first full Polish translation of Norbert Elias’s On the Process of Civilisation. Her recent publications include: “Law and Liberal Pedagogy in a Post-Socialist Society: The Case of Poland,” Journal of Modern European History, 2020 (online first),; “Schengen and the Rosary. Catholic religion and the Postcolonial Syndrome in Polish National Habitus,” Historische Sozialforschung/Historical Social Research 45 (1) 2020: 153–181; “Commemorative Lawmaking: Memory Frames of the Democratic Backsliding in Poland After 2015,” Hague Journal on the Rule Law (2019) 11: 85–110; “Failed Emancipation Through Disciplinary Transgression. Eugen Ehrlich and the Emergence of Empirical Sociology of Law,” Historyka 49 (2019): 15–39 (with Maciej Komornik).


dr Adam Gendźwiłł

Department of Local Policy and Development, University of Warsaw

Adam Gendźwiłł has a doctorate in sociology and is an assistant professor in the Department of Local Policy and Development at the Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies of the University of Warsaw. He specialises in researching local politics (institutions of local democracy, inter-municipal cooperation, territorial reforms, and local policies for adapting to climate change), electoral systems, and political parties. He is a participant in research projects on local government policy and elections, including projects financed by the Horizon 2020 Programme, the National Science Centre, and the Polish-Norwegian Research Programme. He received grants from the Fulbright Program (Northwestern University, Evanston) and from the Foundation for Polish Science and the Minister of Science and Higher Education (a stay at Southern Denmark University, Odense). He is a winner of the Scholarship Award of Polityka Weekly in the field of social sciences. He is an expert for the Batory Foundation and the Council of Europe, and is a member of the Programme Board of the School for Leaders.


dr Łukasz Jurczyszyn

Polish Institute of International Affairs | Collegium Civitas

Sociologist, political scientist, expert on radicalisation and non-military security in Europe, director of the Center for Sociological Interventions at Collegium Civitas. National coordinator of the European Commission’s DARE (Dialogue About Radicalisation and Equality) study devoted to two types of radicalisation – extreme rightist and Islamist – and to security policy in the EU. Assistant professor at the Aleksander Gieysztor Academy of Humanities. Member of the Center for Research on Solidarity and Social Movements at the Faculty of Sociology, University of Warsaw. A graduate of the Institute of Political Sciences of the University of Warsaw and Sciences Po Lille in France. He defended his doctorate with honours and congratulations from the jury at the elite École des hautes études en sciences sociales – EHESS/CNRS) in Paris. He belongs to the Center of Sociological Analysis and Intervention (CADIS/EHESS) in Paris, founded by Alain Touraine, and is a member of the Centre for Russian, Caucasian, and Central Eastern Studies (CERCEC/EHESS), also in Paris. He is active in the International Sociological Association and is on the board of the section for Social Movements and Classes. Member of the Polish Sociological Society. He publishes in Polish, English, and French: recently, “Le mouvement anti-ACTA en Pologne,” in Mouvements sociaux. Quand le sujet devient acteur, Captain, B. et Pleyers, G., Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l’homme, 2016, pp. 171–181; “Violences urbaines: Une comparaison: France, Russie, Pologne,” PAF, 2015, p. 356; “‘Respect – Diversity Football Unites’ UEFA/FARE Program at EURO 2012 in Poland and Ukraine: Between Pro-Diversity Project and Security Policy Towards Far-Right Groups,” Journal for Deradicalization, vol. 4 (Autumn), 2015, pp. 225–254; “How the Extreme Right Is Waking Up in (Eastern) Europe,” in Joined East: Integration and Transformation of Europe after 1989, Institute of Advanced Studies, 2015, pp. 145–165.


dr hab. Michał Łuczewski

Faculty of Sociology, University of Warsaw  | Centre for the Thought of John Paul II

Doctor of sociology, psychologist, programme director of the Centre for the Thought of John Paul II, assistant professor in the Department of Social Science Methodology at the Faculty of Sociology of the University of Warsaw. He studies the sociology of the state, the nation, memory, social movements, and youth, as well as the thoughts and teaching of Karol Wojtyła, and issues of leadership and values. He has received a number of scholarships, including from Collegium Invisibile, the Fulbright Foundation at Columbia University, and the Foundation for Polish Science. In 2008 he received an award in a competition for the best doctorate in the social sciences, under the patronage of President Lech Kaczyński; he was winner of the Józef Tischner Fellowship at the Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen. He was a member of the editorial team of 44 / Czterdzieści i Cztery, and is the author or editor of the following books: Portret młodego pokolenia [Portrait of the young generation] (IbnGR, 2009), Erinnerungskultur des 20. Jahrhunderts [Memory culture of the twentieth century] (Peter Lang Verlag, 2011), Wartość krajobrazu. Rozwój przestrzeni obszarów wiejskich [The value of landscape: The development of rural areas], (PWN, 2011) and Odwieczny naród. Polak i katolik w Żmiącej [The eternal nation: A Pole and a Catholic in Żmiąca] (UMK 2012), Solidarity Step by Step // Solidarność krok po kroku (CMJPII, 2015) and Polityki Historyczne. Europejskie miejsca pamięci w późnej nowoczesności [Historical policy: European memorial sites in late modernity] (OMP 2016). He has collaborated on television productions concerning the moral dimension of the Polish transformation: System 09 and Fantazmaty Powstania Warszawskiego [Phantasms of the Warsaw Uprising], and recently produced a documentary entitled Ojciec, syn i przyjaciel [Father, son, and friend] about solidarity and forgiveness in Poland.


dr Agata Łukomska

Faculty of Philosophy, University of Warsaw 

A graduate of the Institute of Romance Studies and of the Institute of Philosophy at the University of Warsaw. As a Fulbright scholar, she studied at the University of California, Berkeley. Currently, she is an assistant professor in the Department of Ethics, in the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Warsaw, one of the organisers of the Humane Philosophy Project, and a co-editor of the Politics & Poetics journal. She is interested in issues at the meeting point of meta-ethics, action theory, and political philosophy. In recent years, she has published, inter alia, “Moralne dobro a idea umowy społecznej,” in Etyka i dobro, ed. Dorota Probucka, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny, 2015; “A Bothersome Man? – Bernard Williams’s Legacy as an Intellectual Instigator Persists,” Politics & Poetics, 2014/2015 (; “Samorzutność. Hume o wolności,” Przegląd Filozoficzny 4 (2011); “Dlaczego moralność nie może mieć pozamoralnego uzasadnienia,” Etyka 43 (2010); “Moralny horyzont myślenia praktycznego,” Etyka 42 (2009).


dr hab. Mikołaj Pawlak

Institute of Social Prevention and Rehabilitation, University of Warsaw

Mikołaj Pawlak is a sociologist. He is an assistant professor at the Institute of Social Prevention and Rehabilitation, Faculty of Applied Social Sciences and Rehabilitation of Warsaw University and heads the Department of the Sociology of Norms, Deviation, and Social Control. His research focuses on public policies regarding migration. He is also interested in sociological theory: the institutional and network concepts on coordinating activities. In his last book, Tying Micro and Macro: What Fills up the Sociological Vacuum? (Berlin 2018), he critically analyzed the notion of a “sociological vacuum”. He is currently working on a book on the refugee crisis and is researching the mechanisms by which migrants have access to the labor market in Poland. He has a doctorate from the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, and a postdoctoral (habilitation) degree from the Faculty of Applied Social Sciences and Resocialisation of the University of Warsaw. He is currently vice-chairman of the Polish Sociological Association.


dr Robert Pawlik

Cardinal Stefań Wyszyński University in Warsaw

Robert Pawlik is a historian of philosophy and an expert on culture. He is a graduate of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the University of Warsaw and works as an assistant professor at the Faculty of Humanities of Cardinal Stefań Wyszyński University. He is interested in twentieth-century disputes regarding political theology and secularisation, as well as in political iconography. He is writing a work on the subject of Ernst H. Kantorowicz. Since 2015 he has been a member of the editorial team of the bimonthly journal State of Affairs (Stan Rzeczy). He was the commissioning editor for the issue devoted to symbols (6 (2015)) and again for the issue on monuments (1 (2021)).


dr Michał Rogalski

Faculty of Philosophy, University of Warsaw 

Historian of philosophy and religious thought, a doctoral student in the Department of the History of Polish Philosophy of the University of Warsaw and in the “Artes Liberales” Academy. He is preparing a doctoral dissertation on the reception of Catholic modernism in Poland. His research interests include the history of religious thought in Poland in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. He has been studying the transformation of the paradigm of Christian thinking under the influence of civilizational development since the mid-nineteenth century, and the related disputes, as well as the philosophical and theological background of Polish Catholic piety (the Cult of the Divine Mercy). His more important publications are (1) “Marian Zdziechowski a Katolická moderna. Na tropie związków polskiego i czeskiego modernizmu katolickiego,” Studia z Historii Filozofii, No. 1/2014: 95–109; (2) “W samą głąb duszy”. O pamiętniku Mariana Zdziechowskiego,” Kronos, no. 3/2013: 248–254; (3) “Od rozumnej gorliwości kapłańskiej do antymodernizmu. Domniemana ewolucja światopoglądowa księdza Ignacego Charszewskiego w okresie kontrowersji modernistycznej,” in Młodokonserwatyzm warszawski w kulturze polskiej 18761939, M. Gloger, W. Ratajczak, eds., Bydgoszcz 2015, pp. 115–129; (4) “Godne, bo płodne. Seks małżeński w doktrynie Kościoła katolickiego,” ZNAK, no. 10/2011: 50–55; (5) “Panoramiczny Happening Morski. Próba rekonstrukcji,” in Panoramiczny Happening Morski i Tadeusz Kantor w latach 1964–1968, J. Chrobak, M. Rogalski, M. Wilk, eds., Kraków 2008, pp. 15–36. He is also studying theatre directing at the Aleksander Zelwerowicz National Academy of Dramatic Art in Warsaw.


dr Agata Stasik

Kozminski University

PhD in sociology, assistant professor at Kozminski University. She is engaged in science and technology studies, innovation management, and studies on sustainable transformation in the context of social aspects of energy. She is the author of the book Współwytwarzanie wiedzy o technologii. Gaz łupkowy jako wyzwanie dla zbiorowości [Co-creating knowledge about technology: Shale gas as a challenge for the community] (2019), which received a prize from the Foundation for Polish Science. She has published articles in Energy Research and Social Science, Journal of Risk Research, Studia Socjologiczne, and other journals.


dr hab. Joanna Wawrzyniak

Faculty of Sociology, University of Warsaw 

Assistant professor at the Faculty of Sociology of the University of Warsaw, where she heads the Interdepartmental Social Memory Workshop. She is a graduate of the University of Warsaw (history and sociology) and of Central European University in Budapest (political science). Her main research interests are social memory, biography and oral history, historical sociology, social and intellectual history, sociology and anthropology of the economy. She received Polityka’s scholarship for young scholars and has been a visiting fellow at the New School for Social Research (New York), the Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies, Imre Kertész Kolleg (Jena), and the Herder Institute in Marburg. Since 2011, she has been co-directing the international programme “Genealogies of Memory in Central and Eastern Europe in the European Network of Remembrance and Solidarity” (with Małgorzata Pakier, POLIN). She works closely with the History Meeting House in Warsaw and has directed several grants financed by the National Science Centre and the National Programme for the Development of the Humanities – currently, “Transnational and Interdisciplinary Sources of Polish Humanities: Stefan Czarnowski’s Correspondence and Journalism” and “From a Socialist Factory to an International Corporation: The Archival Collection of Narrative Biographical Interviews.” She is the author, co-author, and editor of many publications in Polish, English, and German. She has recently published, among other works: Memory and Change in Europe, M. Pakier and J. Wawrzyniak, eds., foreword by J.K. Olick, Berghahn Books (2016); The Enemy on Display, Z. Bogumił, J. Wawrzyniak, T. Buchen, C. Ganzer,  Berghahn Books (2015); S. Czarnowski, Listy do Henri Huberta i Marcela Maussa (1905–1937) [Letters to Henri Hubert and Marcel Mauss (1905–1937)], K. Kończal and J. Wawrzyniak, eds.,  Oficyna Naukowa (2015); and Veterans, Victims, and Memory: The Politics of the Second World War in Communist Poland, translated by S. Lewis, Peter Lang (2015). She is currently working on a book on the intellectual history of Polish memory studies, from a comparative perspective, and on the biographical consequences of the industrial transformation.


Journal Editors in 2011–2016

Łukasz Bertram, Marta Bucholc, Nikodem Bończa-Tomaszewski, Stanisław Burdziej, Anna Kiersztyn, Piotr Koryś, Michał Kotnarowski, Marta Kurkowska-Budzan, Michał Łuczewski (Editor-in-Chief), Paweł Marczewski (Deputy Editor-in-Chief), Arkadiusz Peisert, Tomasz Rakowski, Paweł Rojek, Przemysław Sadura, Radosław Sojak, Joanna Wawrzyniak, Renata Włoch