Publication Ethics
Stan Rzeczy is dedicated to maintaining the highest standards of academic excellence and integrity. The following principles of publication ethics adopted by the Editorial Team have been prepared in accordance with guidelines issued by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education and with the COPE Code of Conduct.
Responsibilities of the Editors
The Editors of Stan Rzeczy are responsible for ensuring the quality of the published papers. Decisions on whether to publish an article are to be based solely on the originality of the paper, its contribution to the scholarly debate on the topic, and its relevance to the thematic scope of the given journal issue. Issue Editors should report cases of their own conflict of interest to the Editor-in-Chief.
Under no circumstances will the journal publish any papers whose authors do not follow the ethical standards accepted by the academic community. The Editors will investigate and expose any detected cases of research misconduct and dishonesty by, first, notifying the author, and, second (if the explanation given by the author is not satisfying), the institution with which he/she is affiliated. In acting upon suspected misconduct, the Editors will follow steps outlined in the flowcharts developed by COPE.
Articles submitted to Stan Rzeczy are subject to a double-blind peer review procedure. With the purpose of enabling the reviewers to offer objective judgements, the Editors only collaborate with external and independent scholars.
The Editors are responsible for ensuring that during the process of peer review the identity of the Author is concealed from the Reviewers and vice versa. They are also obliged to treat the content of the articles as confidential until publication.
The Editors commit themselves to publishing corrections and retractions when necessary, in order for Stan Rzeczy to remain a reliable source of information.
The Editors will be willing to consider for publication studies that criticise or challenge articles already published in the journal. In such cases, the Editors are responsible for ensuring that the Author of the critiqued paper is given an opportunity to respond.
In case of any complaints, the Editors follow steps outlined in the flowcharts developed by COPE.
Responsibilities of the Authors
Everything that is expected of the Authors is published in the “Submissions” tab on the journal’s website and is regularly updated.
Stan Rzeczy requires Authors to confirm upon submission that the article is original and that it is their own work, i.e., that it does not infringe the rights of others. Authors are obliged to disclose the names and affiliations of co-authors and the nature of their contribution to the preparation of the publication. If an article is the result of collaborative work within the framework of a research project, Authors are required to provide information on the sources of project funding, the contribution of research institutions, associations and other entities.
Authors are also asked to confirm that the article has never been published before and is not under consideration at any other journal.
Authors are obliged to clearly identify all sources referred to in their paper.
Should the Authors discover fundamental errors in their work after publication in Stan Rzeczy, they are asked to inform the Editors and provide appropriate corrections.
Responsibilities of the Reviewers
Potential Reviewers are approached by the journal Editors. Reviewers should only agree to review if they have the necessary expertise to assess the paper in question and are able to prepare the review within the proposed time frame.
Upon agreeing to review an article for Stan Rzeczy, Reviewers are informed of their responsibilities.
Reviewers are asked to provide an unbiased and objective opinion on the reviewed article. Should any conflict of interest arise with respect to the author of the article being evaluated, Reviewers are obliged to inform the journal Editors.
Reviewers are obliged to alert the Editors about any kind of suspected misconduct (including plagiarism, self-plagiarism, ghost-writing, and guest authorship). Also, they are asked to draw the Editors’ and the Author’s attention to any relevant works that have not been cited in the article.
Reviewers are requested to consider the content of the article confidential – it should not be used or cited before publication without the Author’s consent.