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State of Affairs is an antidisciplinary journal, a place for dialogue between sociology and other disciplines in the humanities and social sciences. We are looking for innovative and non-obvious approaches to social phenomena. We question the foundations and we interpret new phenomena, especially in Central and Eastern Europe. We base ourselves on the proud tradition of sociology at the University of Warsaw, on critical and engaged thinking about society, and on the highest standards of scholarship. Learn more

State of Affairs is published by the Faculty of Sociology, University of Warsaw. It features in the Ministry of Science and Higher Education’s index of scholarly journals (20 points) and is listed in Erih Plus, CEEOL, CEJSH, IC Journals Master List (ICV 2020: 77.85). 

ISSN: 2083-3059

Current Issue

No. 2(23)Culture of Design

Published 31. 12. 2022

Issue description

If it were possible, we would ask objects and other designed objects not what they are, but what they enable and – necessarily – what they prevent. A table allows you to meet for a meal, while a barrier prevents you from passing. Viewed in this way, design will always be entangled in networks of relationships between animate and inanimate entities. It tells stories about them and co-creates them. It is an often unnoticed but significant element of modernity, and now a co-conspirator in climate change and at the same time a source of hope for a more justly ordered, ... See the full issue


No. 1(22)The Return of Metaphysics

Published 31. 12. 2022

Issue description

More than one funeral has been held for metaphysical thinking. Its death is long behind us, and the authors who discovered or contributed to its demise are today read as classic thinkers on the order of Aristotle or Kant. On the other hand, the social sciences have been recording increasing amounts of empirical evidence pointing to a return of metaphysical thinking. This return is not simply a reappearance of the same thing – that is, it is not a rejection of the critique of metaphysics. Marked by its own termination, metaphysical thinking has reappeared and is looking ... See the full issue

No. 2(21)Historical Sociology

Published 1. 11. 2021

Issue description

Historical sociology is interested in processes rather than events, in structures over characters, in path dependence more than historical turns. As a research stream, historical sociology is distinguished by its subject and nature: on the one hand, it is a sociological analysis of past phenomena, and on the other, it is a study of social processes that began in the past but whose consequences are an important contemporary phenomenon. The first type of research activity is called historical microsociology; the second is historical macrosociology. The first searches for a ... See the full issue

No. 1(20)Predatory Identities

Published 1. 04. 2021

Issue description

Do we live in a time of “identity tyranny” Our public and private lives are filled with the pursuit of building, shaping, maintaining, expressing, defending, and preserving our identities. Identity is the totem concept of our time. But in scholarly reflection on collective identities an uncritically positive perception of identity is not without risk. In this issue, as a starting point for examining that risk, we approach identity neutrally as a “relational” concept: we can have an identity only in regard to someone who is not us. What does this signify in the s ... See the full issue