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No. 1(1) (2011): Demons in the Social Sciences

Satanic Mill. Remarks on Karl Polanyi’s „The Great Transformation”

  • Piotr Koryś
1. 11. 2011


The article presents the ideas of Karl Polanyi against the background of worldview of the first half of 20th century. It reconstructs basic concepts of The Great Transformation, concerning capitalism in 19th century, destroyed old structures, and modern society, which misinterpreted the role of the market exchange.


  1. Benería, L. 1999. Globalization, gender and the Davos man. „Feminist Economics” 5, 3: 6183.
  2. Hann, K. i Hart, K. (red.). 2009. Market and Society. The Great Transformation Today. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  3. MacIver, R.M. 1968. Introduction. W: Polanyi, K. The Great Transformation. Boston: Beacon, s. IX– XII.
  4. Polanyi, K. [1944] 2001. The Great Transformation. The Political and Economical Origins of Our Times. Boston: Beacon Press.
  5. Polanyi, K. [1947] 1982. Our Obsolete Market Mentality. W: Dalton, G. (red.). Primitive, Archaic, and Modern Economies: Essays of Karl Polanyi. Boston: Beacon, s. 59–77.
  6. Smelser, N.J. i Swedberg, R. (red.). 2005. The Handbook of Economic Sociology. Princeton: Princeton UP.
  7. Stanfield, J.R. i Stanfield, J.B. 2006. Karl Polanyi. W: Beckert, J. i Zafirovski, M. (red.). International encyklopedia of economic sociology. London: Routledge, s. 513–517.


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