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No. 1(10) (2016): Travelling Concepts

“The Crossroads of Capitalism”: Eastern Europe, Ludwik Landau, and his Interwar Vision of Global Inequalities

  • Małgorzata Mazurek
1. 04. 2016


This article deals with a key figure of interwar Polish statistics andeconomics, Ludwik Landau (1902–1944) and his contributions to understanding Eastern Europe as part of one world economy in the first half of the twentieth century. His key statistical publication, entitled World Economy (1939), was one of the first attempts to depict the world through the lens of global inequalities, a socio-scientific imaginary that became salient andtaken for granted after the Second World War and in the wake of decolonization.The article aims to explain the ways in which Central and East European Marxism, on the one hand, and international comparative statistics,on the other, were two intellectual resources that Landau combined in his representation of the vulnerable position of Eastern Europe in globalcapitalism.


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