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Nr 2(9) (2015): Odwaga cywilna

Odwaga w imię społeczeństwa

  • Jakub Bazyli Motrenko
1. 11. 2015


  1. Arystoteles. 2011. Etyka nikomachejska, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN.
  2. Brandstätter V. 2010. Odwaga w cywilu, tłum. Grzegorz Szczepański, „Charaktery”, nr 9.
  3. Keane J. 1988. Despotism and democracy. The origins and development of the distinction between civil society and the state, 1750–1850, [w:] Civil society and the state. New european perspectives, red. J. Keane, Verso Books.
  4. Nussbaum M. 2004. Hiding from Humanity. Disgust, Shame, and the Law, Princeton University Press.
  5. Osswald S., Greitemeyer T., Fischer P., Frey D. 2010. What is Moral Courage? Definition, Explication and Classification of a Complex Construct, [w:] Psychology of Courage. Modern Research on an Ancient Virtue, red. C. Pury, S. Lopez, American Psychological Association.
  6. Swedberg R. 1999. Civil Courage (“Zivilcourage”): The Case of Knut Wicksell, „Theory and Society”, nr 4.
  7. Williams B. 1994. Shame and Necessity, University of California Press.


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